"There is a Kingdom truth that has been hidden from our eyes until this generation: Israel’s restoration and the Church’s restoration must take place side by side, and neither one will move into its last days’ glory without the other." Jill Shannon, Israel's Prophetic Destiny, Destiny Image Publishers 2012
ARISE! is a Colorado based non-profit corportion dedicated to facilitating relationships between Jewish Christian congregations in Israel and the American Church.
We believe that what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 11:25 was prophetic and that the "fullness" of the Gentiles foretold a time when the Church would return to a full understanding of the centrality of the Jewish people and Israel to God's plan. And, that a new outpouring of God's blessings would result.
This "fullness" of the Gentile Church is clearly at hand and therefore the salvation of all Israel is very close! Paul wrote that if the Jewish rejection of Jesus as Messiah brought salvation to the Gentiles then their recognition of Jesus and the subsequent salvation of the Jewish people would bring life from death!